August 27, 2020
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Posted by: llsada at
09:49 AM
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August 24, 2020
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Posted by: llsada at
09:39 AM
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August 22, 2020
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Posted by: llsada at
07:51 AM
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August 19, 2020
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Posted by: llsada at
07:35 AM
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August 15, 2020
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Posted by: llsada at
07:25 AM
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ç›¸é—œæ–‡ç« ï¼š
Posted by: llsada at
07:25 AM
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August 06, 2020
å…ç–«å¸æª¢æŸ¥ç‚Žç—‡æ€§é—œç¯€ç‚Žçš„臨床ç¾è±¡æ‡‰è©²åšçš„,但有些人ä¸æœƒæœ‰é—œç¯€ç‚Žå¼±é™½æ€§è‡ªèº«æŠ—體和臨床表ç¾çµåˆæˆ–"å‡é™½æ€§â€çš„çµæžœå¸¸å¸¸å°Žè‡´èª¤è¨ºï¼Œå¦‚症狀傾å‘於骨關節炎,除了紅細胞沉é™çŽ‡å’Œè¡€æœ‰æ²’有必è¦åšå…¶æª¢æŸ¥ï¼Œå¦å‰‡æœƒç”¢ç”Ÿèª¤å°Žã€‚治療,一般治療:經常休æ¯ï¼Œä»¥ä¿è·é—œç¯€ï¼Œé¿å…劇烈活動和éŽåº¦ï¼Œè¦è‡¥åºŠä¼‘æ¯æ”¯æž¶ï¼Œé˜²æ¢ç•¸å½¢åš´é‡æ壞。藥物治療:éžç”¾é«”抗炎藥(NSAID),以減輕疼痛的抗炎,è‰è—¥å£æœçµ¦è—¥å’Œå¤–部的熱,ç†è’¸æµ¸æ³¡å¯ä»¥ç·©è§£ç—‡ç‹€å»¶é²æŒçºŒæ™‚間。內部關節內注射é€æ˜Žè³ªé…¸ï¼Œé€™æ˜¯åœ¨ä½œç‚ºä¾é 粘彈性æ料關節軟骨的補充,關節ä¿è·ä½œç”¨æ½¤æ»‘çš„æµè®Šæ€§è³ªçš„。在皮質類固醇藥物的關節內注射å¯ç·©è§£åœ¨çŸæœŸå…§ç—‡ç‹€ï¼Œä½†å°è»Ÿéª¨çš„æ傷,在注射的數é‡å¢žåŠ çš„å¢žåŠ ã€‚
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ç›¸é—œæ–‡ç« ï¼š
關節炎有什麼症狀? 如何有效é 防?
Posted by: llsada at
07:49 AM
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July 29, 2020
溫水,水溫35-40 °c,ä¸è¦ç”¨æ²¸æ°´ï¼Œå› 為它會熱æ»ç›Šç”ŸèŒ! 35-40åº¦å‰›å‰›å¥½ã€‚é‡€é€ æ™‚ï¼Œå…ˆèª¿ç¯€æ°´æº«ï¼Œç„¶å¾Œå°‡ç›Šç”ŸèŒç²‰æ”¾å…¥æº«æ°´ä¸ï¼Œä»¥ä¿è‰ç´°èŒçš„活性。åŒæ¨£ï¼Œç›Šç”ŸèŒåœ¨é«˜æº«ç’°å¢ƒä¸çš„活性é™ç‚ºé›¶ï¼Œåªç•™ä¸‹ä¸€å †ç´°èŒå±é«” ,飲酒也å°äººé«”無益,最好ä¸è¦é£²é…’。
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ç›¸é—œæ–‡ç« ï¼š
Posted by: llsada at
04:44 AM
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November 10, 2017

that while the company’s existing products incorporate existing hardware (the Square Stand, for example, turns an iPad into a POS stand), the Square Register is "totally integrated — our hardware, our software, all in the box, all by Square.â€
CEO Jack Dorsey added that the Register is meant to address concerns from larger sellers who are using Square or considering about using it. For one thing, he said some businesses felt the Stand was "very consumer-focused,†so they wanted something "more professional.â€
More specifically, Dorsey said the Register solves a big pain point by coming with separate screens for the buyer and seller. The Square team thought it was "clever†to design the Stand to swivel back-and-forth ("and it is quite cleverâ€), but larger sellers wanted separate displays, allowing the customer to see each product as they’re being rung up.
The customer display also allows businesses to show off their imagery and branding. It’s detachable to accommodate different countertops. And it supports tap-to-pay, allowing customers to pay with their phone or watch without having to pass it over to the cashier.
Other features include Ethernet and offline support, so that businesses without good WiFi (say at a concert venue, or in the basement of a mall) can still use it without worrying about connectivity, and a five-port USB hub, so that the Register can be connected to other devices.
This isn’t necessarily going to replace the Stand or Square’s other hardware. Instead, Dorogusker said this gives larger sellers "two great choices,†and he added that the real goal is to replace "the giant beige and gray boxes that are out there in the world.â€
As for whether Square is shifting away from supporting smaller businesses, Dorsey said they’ll "always be a part of our growth plan and always who we serve.†At the same time, he said the company decided early on that it wasn’t just going to focus on small and independent retailers: "The problem with that is, they want to grow … We can’t be a service that says, ‘Oh, you’re too big for us.'â€
The Square Register will cost $999, plus a transaction fee of 2.5 percent and 10 cents per transaction. Dorogusker acknowledged that might sound a little pricey ("You wouldn’t consider $999 an impulse purchaseâ€) but he said larger retailers are already spending thousands of dollars on point-of-sale hardware. Plus, the price is lower than buying two comparable iPads. Square is also offering a financing option where businesses pay $49 a month for 24 months.
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream is already using the Square Register in select locations. And as part of the launch, Square is hosting a pop-up with Top Dawg Entertainment at the Square Showroom in New York City.
Posted by: llsada at
06:26 AM
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April 14, 2016
There’s no strict definition of a superfood. But what scientists do know is that these foods are full of more than just essential vitamins and minerals. Many of these foods also include a healthy dose of antioxidants and polyphenols.
Some science suggests that people who regularly consume these foods reduce their risk of certain diseases. Other evidence suggests that they help prolong life. Whatever it is that these superfoods do, many of the people who consume them regularly are often healthier than those who ignore them.
Some of these superfoods include foods like kale. Others are fruits like acai and blueberries. But one of the most essential superfoods is Kerson fruit.
What Is Kerson Fruit?
Kerson fruit grows on trees. The fruit resembles a cherry and has a tart flavor. Kerson fruit is not always known by this name. It is also referred to as the Panama berry, the Jamaican cherry and the Singapore cherry. If you buy them from a Spanish grocer, the fruit would be called a yamanza, memizo or bolania.
The trees grow all around the world. However, they primarily grow in warm climates. These fruit can be found throughout the Caribbean and Mexico. It grows as far south as South America. It is also found in southern Asia. It grows in countries like India, Indonesia and the Philippines.
There are many amazing health benefits of Kerson fruit. The following list contains only ten out of dozens of essential properties of this superfood.
Antibacterial Properties
The Kerson fruit offers antibacterial properties that are beneficial to anyone. These antibacterial properties help kill harmful bacteria while promoting good bacterial. This can help ward off infections and illnesses.
Low Blood Pressure
Drinking tea made from the leaves of this tree can help relieve low blood pressure. Low blood pressure often occurs when blood is unable to flow around the body at a normal rate. Low blood pressure can be dangerous and it often results in poor circulation.
Kerson fruit leaves help by providing nitric oxide. This helps improve blood flow by relaxing your blood vessels.
Pain Relief
The tea that helps improve your blood pressure can also help relieve mild pain. It works by blocking pain receptors. This is similar to how opiates work. The benefit of drinking tea is that you do not have the side effects associated with medication.
Relieves Inflammation
The tea made from the leaves of the Kerson tree also has anti-inflammatory properties. This is great for treating inflammation anywhere in the body. It can also help relieve swelling and fevers.
Provides Antioxidants
As a superfood, Kerson fruit offers plenty of antioxidants. What makes this fruit special is that it offers many of the antioxidants found in green tea.
There are around 24 different phenolic and flavonoid compounds found in Kerson fruit. This is great news for anyone who wants the benefits of green tea without the caffeine.
Relieves Headaches
Both the fruit and tea from the leaves are known for providing relief from headaches. It helps by providing mild pain relief. It also reduces the inflammation associated with headaches.
Avoid Cancer
One of the biggest reasons why many people flock to superfoods is to prevent cancer. There are many properties in superfoods that may help people avoid cancer. The Kerson fruit is no exception to this.
Some science suggests that Kerson fruit and other superfoods have properties that prevent cancer and will spare you the need to start a claims process in case of medical complications. Although there is no conclusive evidence, eating these fruits seems like a safe and tasty way to keep your body healthy.
Works as a Multi-Vitamin
Besides to the 24 antioxidants the fruit provides, the Kerson fruit offers all the benefits of a great multi-vitamin. The Kerson fruit has plenty of fiber. It also has a balanced amount of carbohydrates, protein, phosphorus and calcium.
In addition to these macronutrients, Kerson fruit also offers B-Vitamins, iron, and vitamin C. All of these have serious health benefits and can improve your quality of life.
Treats Gout
One of the most celebrated aspects of Kerson fruit is how it treats gout. It works to relieve the pain that often comes with the disease. Some research suggests that eating 10 cherries three times daily will help treat the pain.
Relieves Cramps
The pain blockers also work to relieve abdominal cramps. The tea created from Kerson fruit leaves constitutes a natural home remedy for stomach cramps.
The Kerson fruit tree is a great superfood with plenty of beneficial properties. To try it for yourself, you can buy fresh fruit from both Asian and Latin supermarkets. You can also find it online in health supplement shops.
Posted by: llsada at
04:42 AM
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November 27, 2014
Posted by: llsada at
03:27 AM
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November 19, 2014
Most Twitter users appeared supportive of Anonymous.
We would never post pictures of their kids, or where they live. We don't out any small person who has radical right views; only if they are hiding behind anonymity to do something really loathsomeâ€
Mark Potok Southern Poverty Law Center
"I daresay that @KuKluxKlanUSA will remember, remember, remember the 16th of November. Bravo, Anonymous, Bravo. #oppKKK #hoodsoff," wrote Carlos Larkin.
After back-and-forth taunting, in which the KKK wrote "We are continuing to read Anonymous threats with much amusement" and "I thought you Anons were all about free speech. Cowards!", Anonymous gained access to the KKK website and took over its Twitter account.
The most recent tweet from the hacked @KuKluxKlanUSA account was on Monday evening, showing a unicorn and rainbow in front of a sunset scene.
Responding to criticism about violating free speech, Anonymous released this statement:
"We are not attacking you because of what you believe in, as we fight for freedom of speech. We are attacking you because of your threats to use lethal attacks against us at the Ferguson protests… The Ku Klux Klan is a terrorist group. The blood of thousands of human beings are on the hands of the Klansmen."
Posted by: llsada at
08:09 AM
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October 16, 2014
Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)
(Erich Auerbach/Getty Images)ç»ä»£çš„霓裳
(Erich Auerbach/Getty Images)noneme
His breakthrough work was The Firebird, produced in 1900 by Diaghilev’s Les Ballets Russes; thirteen years later, a full-scale riot legendarily broke out at the premiere of The Rite of Spring, his ballet of pagan sacrifice (which historian Barbara Tuchman aptly describes as "the 20th Century incarnate"). The New Yorker’s music critic Alex Ross masterfully captures the work’s ominous energy, it raw, spooky power and explains how this is achieved both harmonically and rhythmically. "looselyYou have these two chords slammed together," Ross explains. "These are two adjacent chords. They're dissonant. They're being jammed together. And that's a harsh sound, and he keeps insisting on it. That chord repeats and repeats and repeats, pounding away." Rhythmically, Ross says, "It seems as though at first he's just going to have this regular pulse. But then these accents start landing in unexpected places, and you can't quite get the pattern of it…It's as if you're in a boxing ring, and this sort of brilliant fighter is coming at you from all directions with these jabs."jiiiaser
Posted by: llsada at
02:50 AM
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August 22, 2014
Other children had been told by friends, while the more cavalier characters in class might have encountered pornography in magazines or in films. As sex education films often glossed over penetration into a sanitised narrative, smirks would accompany these films just as much as grimaces.é‡ç¸
The laughter didn't stop when dainty cartoons of the human anatomy showed what happened inside us, rather than between us. But occasionally, some films would show very progressive material. A few memorable films showed the experience of childbirth, prompting gasps and stunned silences and, in some cases, fainting.
Rarely did films show sexual acts. Dr Martin Cole's 1971 film Growing Up, is one of the few that broke with convention, showing masturbation and intercourse acted out by real people. By attempting to dispel the shame and guilt that clouded sexual behaviour, he received some positive feedback from teachers and pupils.
Novelty value
But the film also triggered national controversy. It was banned by Birmingham City Council and criticised heavily by the Sun newspaper.
Whatever their content, educational videos still had novelty value for children in the 1970s and 1980s. For starters, visual material was rare in schools, and it is easy to forget that televisions at home had only three channels until 1982.
Shot from 'Ave you got a male assistant Miss? (Picture courtesy BFI)
In the 1970s the protagonists became a lot hairier
Sexual images and debate were also less common. There were tighter controls on TV and magazines, and the availability of sexual resources on the internet, both in terms of health and pornography, was still many years away. But these films also had novelty value for teachers.
While obviously saving them the embarrassment of explaining the mechanics of sex to minors, they also brought to their classrooms an engaging new tool. After a class watched a sex education film, and thought about the interesting images and ideas they had encountered, they could then pose questions to their teacher about what they had seen, and healthy debate could be encouraged.
In many cases, this actually happened.
Many would argue that sex education films are needed more than ever today, especially while teenage pregnancies continue to rise, and sex continues to be so prominent in popular culture. æ—…éŠåœ˜
Posted by: llsada at
02:38 AM
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July 02, 2014
The annals of movie history are filled with clashes. Early cuts of Ridley Scott’s classic science-fiction film Blade Runner (1982) infuriated producers who commented that parts of it were dull and confusing. Terry Gilliam had difficulties in 1985 with his picture Brazil, which was 142 minutes long. Although it already had been released outside the US, the president of Universal Pictures ordered a dramatic re-edit for the American market despite objections from Gilliam. After a very public dispute, a longer cut, supervised by Gilliam, was released by the studio – but it failed to drum up much excitement at the box office.designer bags sale
In fact it’s not always the case that final cut is protecting a filmmaker from heartless profit-driven executives riding roughshod over the artistry of filmmakers. Some would take the view that audiences might have benefitted from a little studio-ordered editing of films from at least two directors who enjoy final cut privileges: Peter Jackson and Steven Spielberg. Jackson’s recent Hobbit films have been criticised for being overlong – as has Spielberg’s Lincoln in 2012.
Posted by: llsada at
03:26 AM
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June 17, 2014
But moments before the opening game kicked off, the Chengdu research base pulled out of the stunt.
The idea of animals predicting football scores has become a standard publicity stunt for zoos and other organisations.
The most famous example from the last tournament was Paul the octopus, who apparently correctly guessed the winners of games until the semi-final.
Giant panda cubs lie in a crib at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Chengdu, Sichuan province, September 23, 2013 Panda cubs would have indicated the winners through their choice of food container
This year, a whole variety of animals across the world are being touted as the successor to Paul.
The pandas' attempt to emulate Paul had been eagerly anticipated on social media SEO Hong Kong.
But late on Thursday, the Chengdu facility said it had been ordered to stop the stunt.
"The predictions have been halted by the authorities," a spokesman told the AFP news agency without giving any details.
However, the Chinese newspaper Global Times quoted a spokesman from the research enclosure as denying the authorities had stepped in.
The spokesman said the stunt had been cancelled by the research centre because it would have harmed the pandas by requiring too much contact with humans dermes vs medilase.
Posted by: llsada at
03:11 AM
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June 11, 2014
Tiny suckers on these bristles stick to the females' bodies. miewe
As well as shedding light on evolution at the very tiny scale, understanding this could inspire the design of devices for underwater attachment in engineering.
The results are published in the Royal Society journal Interface. 浪美心的blog
The team, led by Dr Kai-Jung Chi from National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan, directly measured the gripping force of the "attachment devices" on the leg bristles of two diving beetle species.
Microscopic images reveal that one of the species they studied - a more primitive insect - has a spatula-like attachment. ã¶ã‚ã™ãˆ
Micrograph of diving beetle leg bristles Microscopic images revealed how primitive "spatula-shaped" bristles worked
The other has evolved circular suckers on the end of each leg bristle, which look like a microscopic plungers. ãµã™ã†ã‡ã˜
While these tiny plungers created a stronger attachment, the more primitive bristles had some sticky, aquatic secrets.
Tiny channels between the hairs in the more primitive beetle appear to produce a sort of glue.
Posted by: llsada at
08:48 AM
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June 04, 2014
Mr Sisi spoke after election officials announced that he had received 96.9% of the vote and his sole challenger, left-winger Hamdeen Sabahi, only 3.1%.
The retired field marshal overthrew President Mohammed Morsi last July.
He has since been locked in a battle with Mr Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood, which urged a boycott of what it called "the election of blood".
Liberal and secular activists, including the 6 April youth movement which was prominent in the 2011 revolution that ousted Hosni Mubarak, also shunned the poll in protest at the curtailing of civil rights.
'Historic day'
Some journalists and government officials burst into applause and started dancing after the final results of the election were announced at a news conference in Cairo on Tuesday.
Thousands of Sisi supporters also celebrated in the capital's famous Tahrir Square, cheering, singing songs and setting off fireworks.
Posted by: llsada at
02:15 AM
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May 15, 2014
Yet Nhong Huu Ling, just south-west of Udon Thani, now calls itself a "red village", as do thousands of others in the region, which is the heartland of support for the governing Pheu Thai party of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.
The declaration is little more than a symbolic statement of allegiance to the wider so-called red shirt movement that loosely incorporates the government's mass support base. 雪纖瘦
Villagers get together to share ideas on practical issues, like supporting small businesses or controlling illegal drug use. They also discuss politics. And these days, there is a lot to discuss.
On the day I visited the village head's house - with a giant-sized poster of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in ceremonial robes covering one wall - there was a heated discussion about the comments being made by the anti-government protest movement in Bangkok, in particular the call for the entire Shinawatra family to be forced to leave the country - a call that at one point had reduced Ms Yingluck to tears. 排毒方法
Posted by: llsada at
06:49 AM
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May 02, 2014
Prevent fungal vaginitis, of course, only by naked sleep can't solve every problem, must be in at ordinary times is airtight tights, avoid wearing lingerie to wear cotton, loose it doesn't matter. And underwear to often wash, often change, often air is basked in, so as to avoid the happening of gynecopathy.
Zhang reminds, naked sleep gens remember frequently change bed sheet, never as not to wash the quilt sheets close-fitting gown, that's bad flowers shop delivery.
Male experts: as long as easy to wear don't wear underwear in fact no difference
So far, there is no exact science think of naked sleep is good for the body. For men, loose-fitting underwear to sleep as well as the effect of naked sleep actually.
For "male naked sleep can avoid poor sperm activity due to overheating, is good for some patients with male infertility," shaw home all think loose-fitting underwear to sleep also can achieve the effect. He said, some infertility is caused by poor sperm activity, sperm vitality is related to the temperature of the scrotum, average person scrotal temperature should be lower than the body 2 to 3 degrees Celsius. But if patients wear pants is tight, underwear and human body to increase in temperature of the scrotum, can affect sperm vitality, and cause infertility.
So, men should wear loose pants, during the day and at night just let the relaxation of the scrotum.
Dermatologist: allergic constitution need not naked sleep
For naked sleep, director of a hospital dermatological department of hangzhou Wu Liming attitude of two experts are cautious many than before. Naked sleep, he says, when the skin directly exposed to the environment, the dust and mite bug can cause skin allergies and asthma, for a person with a specific constitution should be especially careful.
Wu Liming said, summer is the season papular urticaria, the main reason is that people use the mat, often some invisible to the naked eye of mite, and some people's skin can produce allergic reaction of mites and mite metabolites, contact mat skin will appear red spot, redness, itching, pain, and a small red bumps. Mat, therefore, must pay attention to clean, with hot water scrubbing regularly, the best exposure in the sun; Can also be spread sheets on the mat, or wear pajamas, avoid direct contact with mat skin.
In addition, some sexually transmitted diseases can also be spread by the article such as bed sheets, so if you go out to live in a strange environment, lingerie will be the last line of defense to protect the private parts.
Psychological experts: naked sleep not effect in psychology
Provincial tongde hospital psychology, Dr. Xue fang zhong believes that naked sleep is a matter of habits and customs, effects on physical and mental are nothing.
Xue fang zhong said, if little naked sleep, formed the habit of naked sleep, put on the clothes body will be uncomfortable. But from an early age to wear underwear to sleep, to naked sleep may feel not adapt, that don't adapt to it will cause insomnia. When conditions change, such as naked sleep out and were forced to dress to sleep, to adapt to the environment caused by pressure, make human body to make temporary changes, after a short break will adapt to ordinary people iPhone 4 casing.
For some think "genetic" naked sleep will, no according to xue fang zhong thought. And if the parents naked sleep, sleeping child may also have this habit, this is due to the environmental impact caused by the day after tomorrow.
å”è–å ‚ä¸å¸å¥½å””好
Posted by: llsada at
08:43 AM
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